Maria Felice Cunningham

Maria’s deep expertise in marketing, customer service training, private client and trusted advisor expertise grows companies from good to exceptional. She develops an organization’s most essential element—its culture based on its brand—which determines its long-term customer appeal.

As a Cause Marketing expert for over 15 years with a proven ability to partner for profit companies with nonprofit brands for increased ROI and the greater good—she is sought after for ability to build the brand stories that change the customer experience to one of sticky attachment, increase sales and build amazing teams.

Her book “Speaking in Elegance” is a little black book primer of communication skills that foster a talent of “respect and kindness” that builds individual empathy and kindness biceps. It will begin your path to leadership excellence in how your words and actions become your trademark.

It takes courage to look to the possibility of what changes you can make if you grow outside your comfort pajamas at work, at home and most importantly--with yourself. Maria coaches and trains in companies, and with individuals, to bring back being brave, bold and trusting in others.

As you practice conscious communication you can reinvigorate your daily encounters to include warmth, connection and the many unexpected consequences that arise from kindness that is genuine--and often given without thought of return.

One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We cannot be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest.

- Maya Angelou

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